
Welcome to the North American Shed Hunting Dog Association (NASHDA)


Welcome to the North American Shed Hunting Dog Association (NASHDA)

Unfortunately the 2023 Master Shed Dog Championship has been cancelled due to not meeting the threshold of 25 qualified dogs to hold the event.

In order to meet that requirement in the future. It will be up to the clubs to hold enough events to allow members to qualify for the Master Shed Dog World Championship in the future.

For those clubs that held events – Thank you~ We hope you continue in the future.

Look forward to more in events in 2023-2024.

Tom Dokken

NASHDA’s goal is to create a fun event for those looking to use their dogs to find shed antlers.

Below you will find all the information needed to get started.

Message from Tom Dokken

NASHDA President

Tom Dokken - NASHDA President

Welcome to the North American Shed Hunting Dog Association (NASHDA), website.

Here you will find all the latest information on NASHDA events and shed dog training information, training products, events, as well as techniques on how to train your own shed dog. For those of you passionate about shed hunting and dogs, this is your website. Welcome to the fastest growing sport in the dog world; shed dog hunting!

Tom Dokken
NASHDA President

NASHDA Sponsors

Thank you to our following NASHDA Gold Sponsors!

Dokken's Oak Ridge Kennels, Inc.
Dokken’s Shed Dog Trainer